The captivator leader: Leading gtreatly by ethos, pathos and logos

The Captivator Leader is a leader who, by exercising positive and creative influence on the mind, hearts, and soul of the people around them, affects them emotionally and intellectually, and makes them wanting to behave and act rightly. Through this influential process, people expand their possibilities (potential) and give their best selves both individually and collectively for extraordinary achievements and a better future. And when people perform at the best of their abilities, and draw on universal values they can achieve extraordinary results, changes are more feasible and acceptable , and there are greater chances that life of both leaders and followers will become more meaningful and fulfilling. Also, in line with the Aristotelian thinking, personal eudemonia, euphoria and happiness will be gradually associated with collective happiness, and people will want to work and strive for the “common good”, which refers to policies , decisions, and actions that are beneficial for most or all members of a given community or society. Now, let us elaborate a bit more on the defining characteristics of this type of leader:

1. The captivator leader strives for the euphoria, eudemonia and happiness of their followers. The concept of captivation as will see in the next pages is more extended and inclusive than the motivation, commitment, empowerment, and engagement.
2. The captivator leader emerges across all hierarchical levels and in all types of collective entities such as organizations, classrooms, families, societies.
3. What the captivator passes on is better than what they found; better people, institutions, organizations and so on. Their legacy matters because it is connected with people; the final test of such a leader is whether the people that stay behind have the conviction and will to carry on.
4. The captivator leader does not employ improper ways to influence others; they are not demagogues, populists, charlatans or hegemonic.
5. Captivator leaders excel and influence through their decisions, roles, and behaviors but mainly through captivating communication which is based on ethos, pathos and logos.
6. All captivator leaders are leaders but all leaders are not captivators.