2nd International Interathenian Conference

21-22-23 November 2022

«Man and his Creations, foresighting the Future»

The 2nd International Interathenian Conference with the title «Man and his Creations, foresighting the Future» is organized by ACA, two years after the successful 1st International Interathenian Conference, aiming to investigate the effect of all modern creations and discoveries on the future development of Mankind.

The 2nd Conference will be on line, utilizing the power of internet to unite Athens of the world.

Abstract Submission

Download here the template for abstract submission doc, docx, rtf, odt
Please return this file as an open document (.doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf) to conference@athenscallsathens.gr.
Include your name in the filename.
Submission deadline March the 31st, 2022. New Submission deadline May the 31st, 2022.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.

Thematic Sessions

1. Sustainable Development:

Sustainable development is the quest for new resources that will replace the ones that have been over-exploited, endangering our natural biotic systems. At what extent is the ability of future generations compromised by the present to meet their own needs? Are the new resources of equal or even greater carrying capacity for social, political and economic growth? Is sustainable development tangible, measurable and equitable without any geographical or cultural boundaries? Are the present generations able to regenerate, maintain and improve the planetary resources for the future generations? Should Mankind develop innovation or go back to the traditional approaches when there was a balance of economic, social and environmental resources? What is the road map to reach the goals of sustainable development, is there a consolidated chart?

2. Cultural Internationalization

The importance of Cultural Heritage is upon the symbolic and economic sustenance, the essence and dignity of the human life. Is also intertwined with identity and territory, where individuals and communities are often in competition or outright conflict. Conflicts may occur over issues of indigenous land and cultural property rights, or between ethnic minorities and dominant majorities disputing the right to define and manage the cultural heritage of the minority. We observe suppression of intangible manifestations of culture, such as language, dress, and ritual, or the outright physical destruction of material objects and buildings. A phenomenon of globalization? Also, in our turbulent times, we witness the movement of a large number of people over vast territories, migrations due to hostilities. Do participants of diasporas have a stake in the heritage issues of the homeland, and if so, should such considerations extend to their descendants?

3. Climate Crisis and Natural Disasters

The rise in global warming is a fact that leads to a climate crisis. Could this global crisis historically be the biggest challenge to internationalize government cooperation before climate chaos becomes the new reality? At the moment the planet is going through a climate crisis or is it in the process of permanent climate change? Natural disasters disrupt national economies with significant impact on people and communities of today and tomorrow. Can the drafting and implementation of emergency plans improve the effectiveness of prevention, preparedness and response systems? The rational use of energy with the use of new materials and means for the gradual decarbonation process, the connection of sustainable and multi-modal urban mobility with wider urban regeneration interventions, waste management, water management, could lead us to a neutral climate balance?