The Conference was honored by the presence and active participation of the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece, the Regional Vice Governor of Attica Region, the Chairman of the Municipality Council of the city of Athens, the Mayor of Hellinikon-Argyroupolis city, the Mayor of Moschato-Tavros city, the Vice-President of the Cyprus Institute, the Rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Rector of the National Technical University of Athens, the Vice-Rector of the Harokopio University of Athens, the Vice-Rector of University of the West Attica, the Dean of the Hellenic Army Academy, the Head of the European Communication Institute and the Vice Governor of AHEPA HELLAS. Continue reading “The 2nd Online International, Inter-Athenian Conference “ Man and his Creations, foresighting the Future” was completed with success on 21, 22 & 23 November 2022”
Auspice to the 1st National Rover Team “Beyond Robotics”
“Athens calls Athens” provides Auspice to the 1st National Rover Team “Beyond Robotics” consisting of students, young graduates and scientists and operates under the leadership of “Beyond Orbit Urban Non-Profit Company”, for the design and construction of an autonomous research vehicle (rover) for missions in inhospitable space environments, with the aim of representing Greece for the first time in the European competition European Rover Challenge of 2023.