Transformation of Food Systems in Greece

This work presents and illustrates the structure of food systems in Greece from the paleolithic era up to the modern times. The illustrations are based in a nested scheme from the home economy in the inner layer up to the international trade at the outer layer. Therefore, the evolution of food systems from the plain scavenger up to the modern consumer is described. The presentation takes into account major social and economic transformations in different historical periods and the expansion of the “food miles”.

The modern food systems are mainly based on the sustainability of the planet rather than the nutrition of the humans. A sustainable food system is a system that delivers food for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases to generate food security and nutrition for future generations are not compromised.

Factors that shape modern food systems are climate variability, climate extremes, climate shocks, environmental degradation and climate-related disasters. Nature positive food systems protect natural systems, sustainably manage existing food production and rehabilitate degraded systems.