If majority may count as the moving force, minority (and its distinct
existence) is the distinctive quality of democracy. They are both precious components of a Herakliteian ‘balanced harmony’ (παλίντροπος αρμονίη), which one should always consider and respect in democratic practice. This maxim is studied on the basis of various testimonies from the Hellenistic period of ancient Greek history, when democracy underwent various
e other hand, the modern trends of migration policy as a social policy within globalized societies come to solve two main problems: firstly, to address demographic developments on the ageing and low fertility of Western populations, which acts as a political argument for immigration, but also to address the rise of far-right parties that ideologically support their base on the existence of immigrants from third countries, a phenomenon that has been experiencing sharpening over the last five years and operating in relation to the argument in favor of migration and puts in a difficult and “uncomfortable” position in the European governments.