Eleni Chatzichristou

European Research Council Executive Agency, European Commission
Unit A1 – Support to the Scientific Council

Eleni Chatzichristou is an Astrophysicist. She has conducted research for many years in some of the world’s largest scientific institutions, including NASA GSFC, Yale University, Space Telescope Science Institute, Universite Paris VI and Universite Paris-Diderot, European Southern Observatory, Leiden University, Uppsala Observatory, and National Observatory of Athens.

She is currently an analyst and consultant on scientific research policy at the European Research Council Executive Agency in Brussels. She is Steering Committee member of the Division C of the International Astronomical Union, Policy Officer for the Europlanet Society Benelux and Southeastern Europe Hubs and space expert at the European Institute of Law Science and Technology.

She has published over fifty scientific papers, dozens of articles in the daily and periodical press and she is the author of 1 book. She has also been extensively involved in the education and dissemination of science in many countries, participating in European programs, with lectures at all levels of education and to the general public, participation in television and radio broadcasts, scientific exhibitions and science & art partnerships.

In 2011 she was included among the 13 women scientists role models for mobility in Europe by the MCFA.