Architecture in Plaka, the old town of Athens, Greece.
View of Historic Old Acropolis of Athens
Street cafe with flowers and plants in Plaka district, Athens, Greece.
Library of Hadrian overlooking Acropolis and beautiful houses at Plaka district, Athens, Greece.
Roman Agora at sunset in summer, Athens, Greece.
- Architecture in Plaka, the old town of Athens, Greece.
- View of Historic Old Acropolis of Athens
- Street cafe with flowers and plants in Plaka district, Athens, Greece.
- Library of Hadrian overlooking Acropolis and beautiful houses at Plaka district, Athens, Greece.
- Roman Agora at sunset in summer, Athens, Greece.
Δηλώστε τη συμμετοχή σας για τα σεμινάριά μας με τίτλο
” 7 σχόλια για την μοντέρνα τέχνη”
που θα πραγματοποιηθούν
2, 9 & 16 Απριλίου 2021 διάρκειας 2 ωρών, από 19:00-21:00.
από τον οργανισμό “Αθήνα καλεί Αθήνα”.
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