Dr. Konstantine Drougos


CEO Oasis Carbon Management Group

Konstantine Drougos has held Executive and Non-Executive roles in Europe, and the Ameri-cas including as the Head for OASIS Carbon Management Group, and Advisor to Aeiphoria Fund, Jai Capital, Digital Davos and Greek House Davos. Konstantine brings a distinguished track record leading organizations through successful turna-rounds, commercial negotiations and deploying industry-leading innovation to strengthen relations between industry, government and civil society.  He has served as Advisor to leading think tanks, corporations in energy, and finance and non-profit organizations.

Konstantine is a frequent speaker on Greece US ties and on entrepreneurship, and professional development. He also serves as Vice President and Member of the Board of Eastern Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance (EMBCA), a leading Hel-lenic American organization, and heads its Hellenic Shipping Memorial and Energy committees and is a member of the largest AHEPA Chapter in the world St. Nicholas Maritime.