Building a Knowledge Based Economy by Supporting the Excellent Academic and Research Ecosystem of Greece

Following a ten-year Economic crisis that took an enormous toll on the Greek society and Economy it became more important than ever that Greece needed to reshape its growth model. The severe Brain Drain that affected the Greek society, its Universities and Research Centers, needed swift actions in order to be halted and reversed by a balanced scientific mobility. One of the main pillars in order to support the excellent Academic and Research personnel of Greece is the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) a public and independent research funding Institution consisting out of high caliber scientists operating similarly to the European Research Council. So far, HFRI has managed to roll out frequent calls for PhD Scholarships, Post Doctoral Research projects, Research projects for Faculty and Researchers, calls for the acquisition of research equipment of strategic importance and calls for projects that combine research and society actions. HFRI has also become the bridge for young and talented researchers to return to Greece and continue their careers in the Greek Universities and Research centers. All of the above with consistency and continuity.